Vios Pediatric Aerosol Delivery System

with PARI LC+


Vios Pediatric Configuration: Custom Neb Doctors Configuration comes with 2 reusable neb cups, pediatric mask, and activity book

Item#: 310F83-NDP

Vendor: PARI

Vios Green Compressor
PARI LC+ Reusable Nebulizer and backup reusable nebulizer
Wing Tip tubing
Bubbles the Fish II pediatric mask
100% cotton tote
PARI Pals activity book
Sticker set and decoder card

Available Accessories:
LC Sprint Reusable Nebulizer
LC Plus Reusable Nebulizer
Bubbles the Fish II Pediatric Aerosol Mask
Replacement Air Filters

Product Summary

PARI’s pediatric configuration delivers fast treatments with targeted delivery to the lungs. Features our new Emerald Green compressor, 100% recycled cotton tote, activity book, sticker set and environmentally friendly packaging.

PARI Vios consists of two important components, a compressor and a PARI nebulizer delivering consistent particle size and fast treatments for targeted delivery to the lungs. The new PARI Vios Green features an emerald green compressor, pediatric activity book and sticker set, 100% cotton tote, environmentally friendly packaging and instructions for use.


NDC No.83490-0310-62
HCPCS No.E0570, A7005
Maximum Pressure34 psi (2.3 bar)
Maximum Liter Flow8.5 LPM
Nominal Operating Pressure18 psi (1.2 bar)
Nominal Air Flow4.5 LPM
Dimensions (length x width x height)6.5 x 6.5 x 3.75 in
Case Quantities Available6, 1
Warranty5 years, 6 years user activated